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working up to the transplant

In a week or so I will be off to London for a few weeks. Starting fertility treatment lots of injections and also continuing some of the tests you need before transplant to check how your body is doing.

The tests my transplant team hope to do next week are a 5 hour kidney function test and a lung function test, I believe the lung test might involve being on a treadmill with some sort of mask on I hope I dont have to run knowing my luck it will involve falling flat on my face!

This week has been testing with London appointments and local appointments alongside feeling ill with a high INR.

INR is a test of how thick your blood is I have this test as I am on warfarin which thins your blood. A high INR means my blood is a bit too thin for me it has caused migraines,nausea and feeling cold.

There will be a blog update soon, will I have to go on a treadmill and will it be comedy gold haha


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