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Fertility treatment done

Tomorrow marks the start of my fourth week in London! Fertility treatment took longer than planned but I have now had the egg retrieval operation and we have embryos ready for freezing for after my transplant.

I wont go into the gory details but it was not a pleasant process to say the least, as normal the sedative/painkiller didnt seem to make me sleepy as suggested, but it does mean i am usually ready to go home soon after coming out of surgery. The egg retrieval itself only takes about 30 minutes.

A few more appointments and I plan to go back up north for a week or so before the next stint of appointments including a bone marrow aspirate, cannot wait to get home! I am still on injections everyday for blood thinning as there is not enough time to stabalise warfarin before my next op but one a day is better than four.

Whilst having my fertility treatment my BMT team have also gone through my treatment regime. My chemotherapy will be done over a course of seven days using the drugs Fludarabine, Campath and Busulphan this means being hooked up to the lovely accessory of a drip for most of this time. Once the chemotherapy has done its job and my cells drop to a certain level I be given my donor stem cells.


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