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DAY 0 *

Somewhere over the last few days my donor has taken the time out of their lives to donate their stem cells for me. Thank you what can you say a second chance at life.

Today is day 0 my re birthday !! below is a picture of the card I received from Anthony Nolan the wonderful charity which helps you find a donor.

Much like the other days this week nausea reigns but today I cant help but feel happy today Is transplant day, the procedure itself only takes half an hour, they want to get the cells in as fast as possible to avoid damaging them.

The cells go in through your hickman line just like the chemo, the bag of cells is a pinky colour rather than red.

Me and my parents sat watching the cells go in then I slept sounds a bit of an anticlimax after the work up but it is kind of tranquil and a relief the cells are here and now it is up to my body to graft with them thats what takes time.

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