Well, its now day +6 and Christmas has descended on the hospital ward, it is 29th November but I think they are trying to spread Christmas cheer early!! Christmas tree, decs and fairy lights.
This first week post transplant has not been too eventful thankfully, It is a case of waiting for the after effects of chemo and engraftment of cells this can take months but once your blood cells are doing a bit more you can go home then come in weekly for monitoring.
Still on the 24 hour syringe drive for sickness and nausea but hopefully not for too much longer, you have to be unhooked and re-hooked up every time you want to change or shower as it goes into your upper arm, but anything is worth not feeling nauseous all the time.
Cyclosporin is also on my hickman line drip twice daily for three hours, this is an immunosuppressant drug which is used to reduce the effects and dangers of Graft versus host disease.
The consultants have said everthing is going "swimmingly" so far!
Apart from needing a good nights sleep without the wake ups every few hours, I am doing ok hopefully the weight I lost with nausea last week will be put back on before the next stage as i believe it is likely I will loose weight again. Also on the cards is blood and platelet transfusions these are needed as your blood and marrow react to the chemo and stem cells. As one type of cell increases some of the others decrease for a while but they should level out eventually.