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Half way

Half way to the milestone of day +100 here we are at day +50.

All is going ok I am still at the hospital twice a week for various things, an average day at the hospital goes as follows,

First you go and have some bloods taken from your hickman line. If it is your line cleaning day you have your hickman dressing changed and the lumens flushed and new bungs put on this is done once a week. You then wait an hour or two for your blood results and take any tablets you missed that morning ready for blood tests. Once the blood results are back a doctor will review you and if you need any drips for example magnesium, platelets or blood those are then given. These can take a number of hours too. Once you have had all your drips and your vitals are all ok you are free to go and by which time you are completely exhausted and the nurses are sick of you asking if your blood results are back yet haha.

So far I have only been needing magnesium and once I don't need it as often and my blood results are a bit more steady I will go down to being in clinic once a week, which means I can go home and travel down horrrrraaaaay!

Still have the nausea and a few skin rashes but they don't think the rashes are graft versus host but reactions to all the medications.

My first bone marrow biopsy looked promising and the ratio of my cells to donor was 98% anything over 95% donor cells is good. My next biopsy is next week you have these monthly for a while.




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