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Dealing with the outside world

It is a wonderful feeling when you first leave hospital after transplant but also terrifying at the same time, you have been in a small hospital room for weeks on end and although all you want is to be out of that little room you also have to deal with the outside world.

You now see everything in a different light as you need to protect yourself from germs and bugs! you need to constantly wash hands, stay away from crowded places, stay away from people with coughs and colds and stay away from children where possible.

You find yourself thinking about everything you touch doorhandles, taps railings a hand bag sized hand sanitiser is a must!!

At the same time as being as cautious as possible you also cant lock yourself in a plastic bubble.

Alongside all this you will leave hospital armed with a massive carrier of medications this is also daunting and I say that as someone who is used to taking a number of tablets a day anyway, I have found having them all written down with when to take on one sheet very helpful so you don't forget any.

All in all being out of hospital is fantastic but takes some adjusting to your new routine you also have that fear at the back of your mind of getting an infection and being readmitted but most people are at some point so it is just one of those things you have to deal with don't think of it as a step back but just another part of the road to recovery.

It can be difficult for those around you to understand it is all new and they might not understand why you freak out when they don't wash their hands for example but in time it should all get easier.

The fact an infection could land you back in hospital is the the only way to explain it.

For me I am staying near the transplant hospital until my bloods are more stable this is also difficult as it means I have not been home since before my transplant but it is the best place for now.

One day at a time :)


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