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Wigs and hair

Something I never thought I would be doing not at the age of 30 anyway is looking at wig advice on the internet! this week I have a wig clinic appointment with MacMillan although I do not wish to wear a wig all the time I think for certain occasions having some hair would be good haha.

Losing your hair when your used to having long hair is a drastic change, I have found sleeping difficult as I can only sleep if I am wearing a hat as it is too uncomfortable without. There are a few hairs coming through but I still look like a balding hedgehog I believe peoples hair can take different amounts of time to grow back a lot of the patients I know who are at the same stage as me in treatment already have a full covering of hair. The worst part of hair loss for me was that even though I cut it short for weeks you wake up with little hairs everywhere it drove me mad sounds awful but I couldn't wait for it all to fall out.

Cotton sleep caps and knitted hats have been great for keeping my head warm, thank god it isn't summer! For cotton sleep caps and headwear Amazon and eBay are great for affordable ones also a website called has lots of hair loss support and advice.


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