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100 days!!!

It has been a long tough journey so far but here we are at the milestone of day 100! At this point its time to keep reducing immunosuppressants and see how the immune system and bone marrow copes by itself, scary but its the only way we will

know if the transplant has really worked, it also means GVHD graft versus host may rear its ugly head. Only time will tell.

The chemotherapy I had as pre conditioning has damaged some nerves in my ears and made me deaf to certain tones this will hopefully in time repair itself, it is a common side effect.

Skin problems have taken over my face but i am hoping this will clear up as some of the drugs are reduced, thats the problem with taking so many different medications you cant be sure which is causing the side effects.

My haemoglobin /red blood cells are not great meaning I am anaemic. This causes fatigue and means I cant walk far before I become tired and out of breath. A normal level is 120 - 160 my level is 80 if the level drops to 70 I will be given a blood transfusion but for now we are trying a once a week injection which is to hopefully boost the red cell growth.

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