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Readmission and blood transfusions

Last week it was a mad rush down to London and readmission to hospital!

Unfortunately my haemoglobin continued to fall then took a very sudden drop further to a dangerous level. After going to the local hospital to try and get at least some blood before travelling there was no luck so it was straight to London.

My blood has been difficult to crossmatch which is why my local hospital could not do it, and the blood also has to go through a warming machine during transfusion

The consultants have said the sudden drop is due to an antibody killing off the cells before they reach maturity this is called hemolysis. The hope is that with blood transfusions and immunoglobulin transfusions it will stabilise itself.

For now I'm stuck in hospital playing the waiting game, so far I have had 5 blood transfusions.

When your haemoglobin drops it means you are anaemic, there is not enough blood and oxygen getting to your organs, this is why I have been experiencing breathlessness when doing even normal everyday tasks also you are incredibly tired.


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