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Tests and more tests

Home after another stint in London, I have had my bone marrow biopsy last week which went well apart from the pain.

Nausea has been a real problem in the past few weeks more than usual, I had reached the point where I couldn't eat anything but soup and was struggling to stay hydrated as well as being sick most mornings. The consultant said to try stopping the anti sickness tablets incase It was in fact now the tablets making me nauseous. That didn't work and made it worse and the replacement tablet they gave me was like a sedative so I was spaced out and nauseous!

Since then I have gone back to the original tablets but on a higher dose and am less nauseous and have my appetite back. Next step is the long awaited camera into the stomach and biopsy test which I will be having next week. Not looking forward to it but it will be good to get it over with and hopefully finally get some answers.

Last week I had my immunoglobulin infusion treatment it took most of the day so glad I took a book with me! Although it took a long time I am grateful there were no side effects. This treatment will help me to fight off infections like colds as my immunoglobulins are a bit low. I may need this treatment every four weeks over the winter months but I am hoping one dose was enough to boost them.

This week I have had my bone density test. This was just like an x-ray and didn't take long. We should get the results next week and find out whats going on with my back pain.

My chimerism (mix of my cells to donors) continues to get worse so the donor top up is still on the cards once I am off the immunosuppressant medications.

One good thing is that my neutrophils have improved I am still neutropenic and prone to infections but the blood counts

are heading in the right direction.


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