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Its a marathon not a sprint

Not long after stopping the antibiotics the dreaded acne has returned so back to the antibiotics and a few more scars on my face.

The nausea has improved, the biopsies I had done in my stomach showed I was producing too much acid and it has been burning my stomach. Luckily they have got it before it turned into stomach ulcers. So new medication to help reduce acid until it heals then hopefully the nausea will completely go.

My blood is up to its usual tricks ok one week then completely different the next. This week I am neutropenic again so prone to infection and my white cells are low too. The consultants do hope my blood will sort itself out once I have a donor top up.

My bone marrow biopsy I had the other week did show signs of dysplasia (abnormal cells) in the marrow but not the bone so this should also hopefully be resolved with the top up.

So as normal its a case of just keep going and think positive its a marathon or five not a sprint or two!


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