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New Year!

Bit late but happy new year everyone!

Christmas was as eventful as ever with illness etc, maybe next year will be a relaxing one.

My stem cell top up DLI treatment has been delayed until the end of the month because of the dreaded winter viruses. Apparently if you have DLI whilst you have a cold or bad stomach then you are more likely to get Graft versus host disease in that area. So just waiting for my cough to clear up and it will be all go. A few people have asked what happens if the top up doesn't work . . . well I am not thinking about it positive attitude all the way!

My knees and feet are still like an old woman’s but I am due to have MRI’s and ultrasounds to see whats going on, just getting old haha.

My raffle for Anthony Nolan went really well and we managed to raise £599 every penny counts in helping people get their transplants and the fight to get funding for second transplants.


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