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Waiting and more waiting

Just back from another trip to Kings College Hospital, since my last blog post I have had my second stem cell top up DLI treatment. There are signs that I might have a bit of Graft versus host disease but they cant be certain so waiting on my chimerism blood test and have another chimerism blood test in four weeks. From there we should know if I need another top up.

The signs I have are a bit of stomach upset and joint pains, but as I have numerous joint problems anyway its difficult to tell whats what, and with all the medications and a hiatus hernia that could be causing the increased nausea and stomach problems.

So as always its a waiting game with rollercoasters of ups and downs with symptoms. When I'm not at kings for dermatology, haematology, rheumatology and assisted conception unit appointments I have appointments at local hospitals and doctors for lymphology, immunoglobulin IV;s, physiotherapy, blood tests, respiratory consultant, podiatry, rheumatology and heamatolgy why have one lot of consultants when you can have two ha!

Oh and the odd ultrasound and MRI thrown in for good measure. I will be glad when I have less appointments which I thought I would by now but everyones transplant experience is different with different complications, or if your one of the lucky ones, few complications.

On the plus side my skin continues to improve and the scarring from the horrendous acne type reaction I had is looking a lot better with a bit of make up you can hardly see it. My hair is also getting better I feel a bit like krusty the clown off the simpsons in the mornings but it is definitely getting a bit thicker and longer and is still very curly.


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