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Birthday blues

In my last blog post I was waiting for my chimerism results to see about the next stem cell top up if it is needed, unfortunately my tests got messed up a few times but I have just returned from London and hopefully if it is third time lucky I will have some results soon.

Today is my birthday and I defiantly have the birthday blues, either i Have a chest infection or graft versus host disease in my lungs. So three lots of antibiotics which make you feel horrible by themselves, a nebuliser yesterday at hospital and two different inhalers for the next month. I must admit it doesn't feel like when i have had colds previously, with this I can only walk a few steps and get out of breath and generally I feel rubbish. We will see in a few weeks how my symptoms go and if they don't improve then there will be more tests, if they do improve thats great as hopefully just infection and if I get worse a lovely holiday in the hospital!

So all in all I have had better birthdays but it can always be worse, at least kings hospital didn't keep me in.

Still ongoing with the stomach problems, next step instead of the usual camera tests apparently I might be doing a thing were you swallow a capsule with a camera in it, and it takes photos as it goes through your body, sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie to me but it is less invasive than the usual camera tests which I hate with a passion.

For my birthday treat I will be mainly lounging on the sofa in my new pj’s, watching films and taking many antibiotics, hopefully I will have some good news for my next blog post!


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