It has taken some doing but I finally have the results from my last stem cell top up, It is made up of three parts two have gone up slightly and one result has gone down. Never did like to keep things simple, so is it going to be fourth time lucky donor stem cell top up number four next week!
Still have all the usual problems like joint problems, swollen legs and feet, stomach problems but none of these are graft versus host and most I had before my transplant, I did hope by some miracle some of these problems would go with the transplant but none have so its a case of learn to live with them. A bit of graft versus host disease would mean the top ups are working and the new cells are fighting my old cells but not everybody gets it, also if you do get it you want a little not a lot it can affect your lungs, stomach just about any part of your body really.
On the bright side my chest infection is much better so don't think its graft versus host disease and I have started to do a bit of drawing and painting again, it takes your mind off things and I can use my art for christmas presents and cards.