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Last top up

The last of my frozen stem cells from my generous donor has been used up this week, from what my consultant said this will be my last stem cell top up! this dose was much bigger than the previous doses, I think its now a case of bung whats left in and see what happens.

The hope is this last bigger dose will kick start the donor cells and some graft versus host disease to get my chimerism results up.

Will be having tests in four and 8 weeks to see if it is working, if it isn't working it will be back to bone marrow biopsies to see whats happening and if my gata2 gene is lingering or bone marrow/blood disease is there. From my understanding even if my test results are still low as long as they don't start to go down, it is not ideal but could stay at that level and be ok for a while.

Once again fingers toes and eyes are crossed and I remain positive, well lets face it whats the other option. What happens next is in the hands of my bone marrow.

Next week will be my two year transplant birthday whilst it is not smooth sailing I am still here thanks to my donor. have you ever thought about joining the stem cell register? if you are a match the process is a bit like giving blood. you can join and find out more on the Anthony Nolan website if you are aged 30 or under and if your a bit older you can join on the DKMS website.


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