What a year it has been for us all! I will do a blog update on how I am getting on health wise soon but for now heres what I have been up...

Good news !
After four years, intensive chemotherapy, a stem cell transplant and four stem cell top ups from my wonderful donor I'm in remission and...

In the last few months I have reached some important milestones. As you all know my progress is tortoise pace but the main thing is to...

The joys of being rare
Appointments and more appointments with chest and skin infections alongside. Its that time of year when theres lots of bugs and viruses...

3 today!!
Happy re-birthday to me! Today marks the milestone of my transplant,three years ago today I was sat in my little hospital isolation room...

Appointments and more appointments
Its been a busy few months hospital wise, lots of appointments but nothing too drastic going on which is always good. In my last post i...

Being a guinea pig
Lots of appointments to go to in the coming weeks, haematology, rheumatology, genetics specialists, bone density scans, CT scans and the...

Writers block
Not posted in a while, writers block and life block you might say! Ive reached a plateau at the moment. The daily aches and pains and...

Happy Easter
Happy Easter everyone! Were just having a relaxing weekend and doing a bit of drawing and painting. On the bloods front my normal bloods...

Grass is greener?chimerism and uncertainty
A bit late but happy new year everyone! In my last blog post I talked about my last donor stem cell top up. I have had all the donated...