Today I will be having my 9th and 10th blood transfusions, unfortunately the immunoglobulin treatment didn't work and my body is still...
Readmission and blood transfusions
Last week it was a mad rush down to London and readmission to hospital! Unfortunately my haemoglobin continued to fall then took a very...
Day 116
This week was a long one, we spent 3 days in London this week for various appointments and tests. Firstly this weeks blood results show...

100 days!!!
It has been a long tough journey so far but here we are at the milestone of day 100! At this point its time to keep reducing...
Day +81
It is getting nearer to the milestone of 100 days post transplant, I am still now down to once a week appointments in London and hope to...
Wigs and hair
Something I never thought I would be doing not at the age of 30 anyway is looking at wig advice on the internet! this week I have a wig...
Home & GCSF
Since my Last blog post I have finally been at home for a few days and just returned from my first once a week visit to the hospital....
Fingers crossed for going home
Finally I have been given the ok to go down to once a week London hospital visits its been a very long past 5 months four of which I have...

Half way
Half way to the milestone of day +100 here we are at day +50. All is going ok I am still at the hospital twice a week for various things,...
Dealing with the outside world
It is a wonderful feeling when you first leave hospital after transplant but also terrifying at the same time, you have been in a small...