Happy New Year day +37
Happy new year everyone! Not much to report this week which is what we like. Have had the usual visits to the hospital and a few drips...
Merry Christmas 1month post transplant
Its been a month since I had my transplant there has been some hiccups as expected but overall I am doing ok. One month post transplant...
Day +18 discharged
What a great feeling I am out of hospital ! not home as I need to stay near the hospital for a number of weeks for close monitoring and...
week two post transplant
It’s now day +14 and what a rollercoaster week it has been. Since my last blog I was taken off the syringe drive for anti sickness and...

day 0 to +6
Well, its now day +6 and Christmas has descended on the hospital ward, it is 29th November but I think they are trying to spread...

DAY 0 *
Somewhere over the last few days my donor has taken the time out of their lives to donate their stem cells for me. Thank you what can you...
Day -3 -2 -1
Onto the next chemo drug Busulphan this has not had the same dramatic effects as campath but the nausea persists, I have been unable to...
Campath days -5 -4
In my last blog post on day - 6 I was starting the next chemo drug campath that evening, and what a rollercoaster it has been! The...
Days -7 & -6 campath and a new ward
Yesterday was a non eventful day ( I like those) I had another dose of fludarabine on the drip and was ok just abit of nausea and feeling...
DAY -8 first chemo
It's day -8, I have now been admitted for my stem cell transplant at Kings College Hospital. Yesterday evening was my admission and today...